We are happy to announce that ECSCD-15 will be held on May 22-26, 2023 in Grainau, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany at the Hotel am Badersee (www.hotelambadersee.de). Please note the dates and follow the news and details coming soon.
The 14th European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics (ECSCD-14) was held on May 4-5, 2021 as a virtual event. Initially planned and organized to take place in May 2020 at Eibsee, Zugspitze, Germany, it was postponed to 2021 and changed in its format due to the pandemic situation in Europe.
With approximately 90 people constantly attending the talks, we consider that the conference has been a very successful scientific event. We are particularly grateful to the invited speakers, who shared their exciting results triggering lively discussions after the talks. Please note that some of the talks presented at the conference are available online (see “Scientific Program”); do not hesitate to share the link with your colleagues, who missed the chance to join us on May 4-5.
We are looking forward to meet you in person at the ECSCD-15 coming hopefully quite soon.
The ECSCD-14 organisation committee.
History of the European Conference on Surface Crystallography and Dynamics
ECSCD-14 is a continuation of a successful series of conferences dedicated to structure and dynamics of crystalline surfaces and the related properties and processes. The previous ECSCD conferences have been held in
Erlangen, Germany (1985)
Cambridge, United Kingdom (1988)
San Miniato, Italy (1991)
Aarhus, Denmark (1993)
Banz, Germany (1995)
La Grande Motte, France (1998)
Leiden, Netherlands (2001)
Segovia, Spain (2004)
Vienna, Austria (2007)
Reading, United Kingdom (2010)
Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2012)
Trieste, Italy (2015)
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain (2017)